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Marketing strategy with digital platforms

Marketing strategy with digital platforms

Marketing->Geolocated marketing->Marketing strategy with digital platforms

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¿How is geolocated marketing with web search engines?

With the arrival and strength of the Internet to promote products and services anywhere in the world, it generates a competitive advantage that can be used by independent companies, SMEs, medium-sized companies and large companies to increase revenues. Therefore, geolocated marketing from web search engines is an excellent alternative to segment and establish market niches in order to focus the entire marketing effort on awakening emotions that motivate the user to generate a purchase action.

The global search engines that offer the highest return on investment are Google, Bing and Yahoo. On the other hand, second-level search engines that generate a return on investment are those web portals specialized in a topic that is of interest to potential customers of your products or services. However, before selecting a web search engine to publish ads, a preliminary analysis should be carried out to establish the costs for advertising, the payment methods, the profile of the visitors and the probable return on investment.

Once the analysis is done, we proceed with the definition of advertising campaigns and tactics to be used to achieve the highest return on investment.

Benefits of geolocated marketing with web browsers

Knowing the usefulness of geolocated marketing using web search engines. The benefits it offers are the following:

1) Optimize online advertising costs.

2) Conquer niche markets far away from the headquarters by making reasonable investments in digital advertising.

3) Increase revenue without raising costs substantially.

4) Make investments in advertising measured by performance indicators and not effort as happens with traditional channels.

5) Know the return on investment quantitatively by geographic location in order to better target advertising resources in future digital campaigns.

¿How to perform geolocated marketing with web search engines?

Once the utility and benefits offered by geolocated marketing with web search engines are known. The points that must be taken into account during the design of the geolocated marketing strategy with web search engines are the following:

1) Market analysis segmented by geographic locations.

2) Analysis of web search engines.

3) Identify the themes and themes that arouse emotions in potential customers to keep them connected with the brand, products and services of the company.

4) Identify the keywords that potential customers use the most to reach their content of interest.

5) Build an editorial calendar where the content that is linked to the products and services that you want to promote is defined.

6) Build excellent quality images that maximize the details of the product or service you want to promote.

7) Track and control advertising campaigns and digital marketing tactics to refine them in future campaigns, increasing their effectiveness and return on investment.

Created by - Being its last update the: 2021-10-21

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